APBioNet invites the submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) for hosting the International Symposium on Bioinformatics (InSyB) for year 2018 and onwards. For your information, the first InSyB was successfully inaugurated at Universitas Yarsi, Jakarta from July 11-12, 2017 (https://www.yarsi.ac.id/bio/).

In general, the event must be of demonstrable benefit to APBioNet members. APBioNet members would need to be part of the organising committee. APBioNet will help promote for its members to attend the event.

Bid requests must be accompanied with a draft budget for the event and sent in (including all required supporting documentation) no later than six months before the event. Preferences will be given to requests for in kind contributions rather than for cash contributions from APBioNet.

Examples of in kind contribution include provision of guest speakers from APBioNet and coverage of their travel expenses, or provision of fellowships for students who are APBioNet members to attend the event. In any case APBioNet sponsorship shall not exceed 20% of the total budget for the event up to a 2,000 SGD limit. Organisers are encouraged to offer reduced registration rates to APBioNet members.

For more information and how to submit your interest, kindly refer to the link provided: https://incob.apbionet.org/expression-of-interest-eoi/