(i) To promote the advancement of the field of bioinformatics, specifically, the development of the bioinformatics network infrastructure, the exchange of data and information, the development of training programs, workshops and symposia and the encouragement of collaborations in the field of bioinformatics
with an Asia Pacific focus.
(ii) To carry on, undertake, take part of engage in any business or activity, matter or thing of any kind whatsoever and do any act or enter into any transaction without any restriction or limitation whatsoever as to the nature or description thereof.
APBioNet Limited are governed by a Board of Directors comprised of community professionals dedicated to steer the company in parallel with the organisation’s mission and vision.
Mailing Address:
Dept of Biochemistry,
MD7 Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore,
8 Medical Dr,
Singapore, 1175996.
Email: [email protected]
Company Registration No.: 201225997K