APBioNet Support for Regional Events − Guidelines for Applicants

The event must be of demonstrable benefit to APBioNet members. There should be APBioNet members on the organising committee of the event. There is an expectation that APBioNet members will be attending the event. Requests must be accompanied by a draft budget for the event and sent in (including all required supporting documentation) no later than six months before the event.Preferences will be given to requests for in kind contributions rather than for cash contributions. Examples of in kind contribution include provision of guest speakers from APBioNet and coverage of their travel expenses, or provision of fellowships for students who are APBioNet members to attend the event. In any case APBioNet sponsorship shall not exceed 20% of the total budget for the event up to a 2,000 SGD limit. Organisers are encouraged to offer reduced registration rates to APBioNet members. Following the event organisers must provide a report to APBioNet including a financial statement (profit/loss), a record of attendance by APBioNet members, and a short report including photographs that may be used by APBioNet for publication or advertising purposes.

International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)

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The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) serves over 3,200 members from more than 70 countries by providing a forum for scientific researchers to connect and collaborate, access to high quality publications, organizing meetings, and serving as a portal to information about training, education, employment and news from related fields.  The ISCB hosts annual meetings, including the ISMB, the world’s longest running and largest bioinformatics conference (held jointly with the ECCB every other year in Europe). The ISCB also affiliates with several other significant meetings of our science, has two official journals of the highest impact factors in the Mathematical & Computational Biology category, and has affiliations in place with several other publications for the benefit of our members.

Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training (GOBLET)


Empowering people, harnessing communities, networking networks

GOBLET, the Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training, is a legally registered foundation. Its mission is to:

  1. Provide a global, sustainable support and networking structure for bioinformatics educators/trainers and students/trainees (including a training portal for sharing materials, tools, tips and techniques; guidelines and best practice documents; facilities to help train the trainers; and offering different learning pathways for different types of learner)
  2. Facilitate capacity development in bioinformatics in all countries
  3. Develop standards and guidelines for bioinformatics education and training
  4. Act as a hub for fund gathering
  5. Reach out to, amongst others, teachers at high schools, to bridge the gap to the next generation of bioinformaticians, and
  6. Foster the international community of B3CB trainers

Bioinformatics Club for Experimenting Scientists (Bioclues)

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BIOCLUES is acronymed for BIOinformatics CLUb for Experimenting Scientists:

Bioclues is a non-profit virtual organization for, by, and of the Indian Bioinformaticians. Incepted in the year 2005, it is one of the fastest growing bioinformatics societies in India, currently serving over 3400 members from nearly 30 countries. We aim to bring together the Indian bioinformaticians, foster a strong working mentor–mentee relationship, provide access to bioinformatics resources, organize conferences and workshops besides imparting information about research, training, education, employment and current events and news from bioinformatics, genomics, and related fields. Bioclues adheres Creative Commons License with the prime focus to help the bioinformaticists in India to promote open access. In the year 2010,we have setup vision 2020 to ensure our thoughts are converted to actions by the said year.


MyBioInfoNet, recently established, is dedicated to serve as a networking platform for Malaysians or non-Malaysians, within or outside Malaysia, with interest in growing bioinformatics in the country. MyBioInfoNet aims to work closely with local bioinformatics organisations, associations, groups or other relevant outfits in promoting the greater good of bioinformatics in the country. Membership of MyBioInfoNet is open to all Malaysians (locally or overseas) and non-Malaysians (locally or overseas) interested in bioinformatics and its growth in Malaysia.

Proposed activities to promote bioinformatics in Malaysia are as follows, but not limited to:

  • Conferences/ symposia
  • Trainings/ workshops
  • Roadshows/public talks

Perdana University

This university is established as a Public Private Partnership project, this university is committed to providing premier programmes.

Perdana University signed an MoU with APBioNet in 2014 and has since collaborated on few projects since then.

MABBI (Masyarakat Bioinformatika dan Biodiversitas Indonesia)

On 10th of May 2016, APBioNet witnessed the establishment of the MABBI (Masyarakat Bioinformatika dan Biodiversitas Indonesia). This was in conjunction with the 3rd Workshop on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BioCompBio), held at Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia from 9-12 May, 2016. The event was attended by local representatives from the Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Swiss German University (SGU), University of Indonesia (UI), Indonesia Institute for Statistics (IIS), PT. Smart Tbk (industry representative), and workshop participants, who hailed from different parts of the country. Dr. Kholis Abdurachim Audah has been elected as the founding President of the society, to help lead and establish long-term strategies and plans for a strong footing. Dr. Mohammad Asif Khan, the Vice President (Corporate) of Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) and the Director of Perdana University Centre for Bioinformatics (PU-CBi), who has been invited as a speaker for the workshop since its inception in 2014, was instrumental in realising the establishment of the society, by working closely with the organizers of the workshop, who are active in promoting bioinformatics in the country, namely Dr. Kholis Abdurachim Audah of SGU, Dr. Bimo Tejo (an APBioNet ExCo Observer), then of Surya University, now with UCSI, Malaysia, Dr. Setia Pramana of IIS, and Dr. Dwi Agustian of UNPAD. Their collective efforts paved the way for this landmark milestone, the establishment of a national society for bioinformatics. The mission of the society is two-fold, to promote bioinformatics in the country and advance scientific understanding of the local biodiversity through various platforms and activities, such as research collaborations and networking through workshops and conferences, among others.


APBians (Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Interaction and Networking Society)

APbians (Pronouced as aye-pee-bee-ans) is a Bioinformatics Society registered under the Societies act of Delhi in 2018. The aim is to exchange ideas, knowledge and opinions on the issues of Bioinformatics, particularly with a view to Indian and regional scenario. We also aim to organize events to popularize Bioinformatics, educate and disseminate the state of the art on the subject.

As their sole Indian representative, we are working closely with Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) to build a strong community of Bioinformatics scientists, scholars, students and entrepreneurs to serve our society and take the subject forward.

Their first major activity is scheduled to be in September 26-28, 2018 in the form of 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB 2018).


National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore

The National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore was established in 2015 to manage Singapore’s national petascale facilities and high-performance computing (HPC) resources. As a National Research Infrastructure funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF), the HPC resources that we provide helps support the research needs of the public and private sectors, including research institutes, institutes of higher learning, government agencies and companies. With the support of our stakeholders, for example, the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), National Environment Agency (NEA) and Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS), NSCC catalyses national research and development initiatives, attracts industrial research collaborations and enhances Singapore’s research capabilities. For more information, please visit https://www.nscc.sg/.

Association for Medical and Bio-Informatics, Singapore (AMBIS)

The Association for Medical and Bio-Informatics, Singapore (AMBIS) is an organization that promotes excellence in Medical and Bio-Informatics and advances the development of this emerging discipline in Singapore. AMBIS is actively involved in promoting collaborations and exchanges among the medical and bio-informatics community through conferences, meetings, seminars, workshops and symposia.

AMBIS is a national member of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), a member of the Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) and a regional affiliate of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).