About us

Founded in January 1998, APBioNET is dedicated to the advancement of the field of bioinformatics, specifically, the development of the bioinformatics network infrastructure, the exchange of data and information, the development of training programs, workshops and symposia and the encouragement of collaborations in the field of bioinformatics with an Asia Pacific focus.

APBioNET Membership Benefits

Discount and Travel Funding

  • Up to $100 savings to attend APBioNET and its affiliate events
  • Funding opportunity to attend APBioNET supported and endorsed events in the region

Leadership, Recognition, Awards, and Travel Funding

  • Members stand to participate in annual general meeting (AGM) to connect with other leaders in the industry
  • Members stand to run for leadership role in APBioNET’s biannual election to determine to direction of the organisation
  • Opportunity to collaborate with APBioNET to host bioinformatics related events in your institution