
Provide a high-quality student member experience in the Asia-Pacific region for lifelong professional success involving the field of bioinformatics and related areas.


To inspire, empower, foster and support students as future leaders in the Asia-Pacific region

APBioNET Student Council Charter

A. General

The Student Council is to report directly to the APBioNET Executive Committee and to work in tandem with the Executive Committee for planning and execution of activities of the Council. Revisions to this Charter must be endorsed and approved by the Executive Committee of APBioNET.

 B. Scope

To provide opportunities to students who have an interest in bioinformatics and related fields for educational, technical, research and any other professional developments, emphasizing the value of continuing membership of APBioNET.

C. Functions

  1. To provide recommendations on overall policy and procedures regarding the APBioNET Student Council programme, services and other activities, and student membership. 
  2. To continuously improve the quality of student membership benefits. 
  3. To make current and prospective APBioNET Student members aware of the nature and responsibilities of the bioinformatics profession and to provide and promote opportunities for educational, technical, research and any other professional development.
  4. To represent within APBioNET the interests and concerns of students and facilitate interaction between Student Council’s Regional Student Nodes (RSN), and with other non-APBioNET scientific Student Bodies. 
  5. To promote networking and the importance of relationship building to students. 
  6. To increase synergy between APBioNET ExCo and APBioNET Student Council for promoting the value of continued membership after graduation. 
  7. To foster and support APBioNET Student Council’s Regional Student Nodes in development and outreach to prospective student members. 
  8. To provide platforms for efficient communication of student activities to the individual Regional Student Nodes and their committees. 
  9. To provide regular updates to the community at large on the activities happening in and around the region.

D.    Composition and Structure

The Student Council shall have the following voting members:

  1. President of the Student Council (Appointed by voting of APBioNET Student members 
  2. Regional Student Node Chairs (Appointed by voting of APBioNET Student members from the respective countries/ geographical regions)
  3. APBioNET Office Bearer Student Members (Appointed by voting of APBioNET Student members) (at most 4 members: Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer)
  4. APBioNET Non-Office Bearer Student Members (Appointed by voting of APBioNET Student members) (at most 2 members)
  5. APBioNET ExCo Representative (at most 2)

At least 7 student members are required to form the SC. The duration of SC membership is for 2 years. The SC is to decide on the nature of the Regional Student Node leadership committee composition and structure, subject to approval by the ExCo. It is recommended that at least 5 student members are required to form the RSN leadership committee and if the number is not met, the SC may consider pooling membership from across geographical regions. 

All student council and RSN must be paid APBioNET student members. These individuals must satisfy the requirement of a student membership:

Student member is defined as an individual with a valid student ID (High School, Certification, Diploma, Bachelor, Advanced Diploma, Master or PhD), enrolled in a university or higher learning institution.

  1.   Committees/subcommittees

Reporting to the Student Council shall be the following standing Sub-committees:

  • Regional Student Nodes (RSN) — The Regional Student Node (RSN) chair and leadership committe members shall report the Student Council. A country or a geographical region within Asia-Pacific may express interest to setup an RSN of the APBioNET Student Council.
  • The Student Council is to use its pregerotative to establish the necessary sub-comittees in order to execute its functions.
  1.     Financial and Administrative Support

APBioNET may fund the activities of the Student Council as per need basis and upon discussion with the ExCo. An annual budget shall be prepared by the Student Council for approval by the ExCo.

    Roles of APBioNET ExCo representative in the Student Council

  • Ensure that information from APBioNET ExCo is shared with the Student Council
  • Attend SC meetings and assist the Regional Student Nodes (RSN).
  • Participate in Student Council meetings without two consecutive lapses, unless otherwise justified.
  • Advice APBioNET Student Council on its activities and issues
  • Foster good relations with the Student Council members and encourage students to establish regular liaison with the Sudent Council
  • Promote student awareness of awards, contests and benefits of membership
  • Establish industry contacts for Student Council and its activities
  • Involve other APBioNET members in the activities of the Student Council
  • Facilitate the election of Student Council members
  • To advice Student Council on any issues related to the functions of APBioNET Student Council body.
  1.   Activities

SC may organise conferences, symposiums, student node, workshops, write papers or design contests and other events. Advertise about APBioNET, promote awareness about Student Council and its activities in the APBioNET Newsletter, social media and other outreach platforms. The SC should meet regularly to develop programs plans, review progress, and maintain the necessary continuity of operation. The SC is to provide regular and timely updates to the ExCo. 

  1.     Transitional Dues: Students Becoming Professionals

Student Council members who graduate and contributed significantly during their time as a Student Coucil member would have received the necessary training and would be attractive candidate for running of ExCo membership election. 

  1.     APBioNET Student Council Member Benefits
  • Leadership experience
  • Networking opportunities
  • Opportunity to represent APBioNET as a delegate in events/meetings
  • Possible financial aid in representing APBioNET in external activities
  • Publications opportunities
  • Student Council members who graduate and are elevated to regular APBioNET  membership will automatically receive a one-year discount with 50% off full APBioNET membership. The offer is available once in a member’s lifetime. The discount is available to all APBioNET Student members graduating with an undergraduate or graduate degree.