Call for Papers and Abstract Submissions: Dear All, We are delighted to invite you to the 21st International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB 2022). The conference will be hosted for the…
New collaborations to develop HPC-enabled bioinformatics capabilities and promote its use in Singapore
The international Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNET) and the local Association for Medical and Bio-Informatics, Singapore (AMBIS) signed collaborations with the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore to explore joint activities aimed…
APBioNET Multi-Year and Lifetime Membership Categories APBioNET multi-year and lifetime memberships will offer an alternative to the single year membership that APBioNET has always offered. We propose to offer the…
Bioinformatics Education Summit 2022 – Registration is now open
The registration form is now ready : The Bioinformatics Education Summit is an online working meeting to develop guides, papers and documents for promoting and improving Education and Training…
APBioNet ExCo Election (2020-2022)
Dear Fellow APBioNet Members, Over the past years, APBioNet has enjoyed a steady increase in memberships, largely due to our Annual InCoB conferences with their high attendance figures. Our loyal…