Yun Zheng
Professor, PI, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
Career Summary:
Chair of the 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB 2021) and the 29 th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2018); Associate Editor of Frontiers in Genetics; Editor of Genes; Academic Editor of PLOS ONE; with active research in computational biology, bioinformatics, computer science, machine learning, algorithm design, statistical analysis of biological data sets, and scientific software development. Diverse background in
RNA editing, sequence analysis, machine learning algorithms, feature selection,
learning gene regulatory networks, cancer classification, analyzing high-throughput sequencing profiles, prediction of microRNAs and their targets. My ORCID is 0000-0003-4292-9806. My h-index is 30 based on googlescholar.
Contributions to APBioNET:
I attended most regular meetings of ExCo in the last two years and made decisions as required. I actively joined different activities of APBioNet, such as the online meeting/discussion of the grand challenges of bioinformatics.
If I am re-elected to be a member of ExCo of APBioNet, I will mainly plan to carry out two main things to expand the influence of the APBioNet and to enhance the research and education of bioinformatics. First, I would to propose discussions of suggested curriculum for prominent bioinformatics scientists, particularly with ExCo members and other esteemed bioinformatics scientists. The resulted curriculum may be written as a special publication in a related journal or be posted at APBioNet website as a special guide of bioinformatics education. Second, I would like to propose to set up an online discussion forum of bioinformatics research in APBioNet. The forum is free for registration. All ExCo members and APBioNet members are required to join the forum. And to reward insightful questions and helpful answers, some kinds of rewards may be set up, such as free access to some InCoB or APBioNet videos, or free memberships of APBioNet for one year. This forum aims to be a place to find directions, answers, and solutions of bioinformatics for everyone.
Proposed future contributions to APBioNET:
To promote APBioNet and InCoB and to enhance the research and education of bioinformatics in China and Asia Pacific region, I organized InCoB 2021 in Kunming,
Yunnan, China as a hybrid conference, with international attendees joining the conference online and domestic attendees joining the conference on site. In InCoB 2021, we collaborated with 10 journals, which expanded the influence of InCoB 2021 and APBioNet in different fields of research. I helped to bridge the collaborations between InCoB 2022 and Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and Quantitative Biology, and joined the program committee of InCoB 2022. I also joined the organizing of InCoB 2020.